Posts tagged ‘seasons’

October 29, 2010

photo friday | the witching hour


Deep into the darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams
no mortal ever dared to dream before.

— Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven
The Witching Hour
Hold on, man. We don’t go anywhere with
“scary,” “spooky,” “haunted,” or “forbidden” in the title.

— wise words from Scooby-Doo and pals


October 23, 2010

victory dance

I recently learned that the last boy has successfully predicted the champions of multiple professional sports for several years now, which made me very nervous for the ALCS series between the Yankees and the Rangers. You see, D’s a die-hard Rangers fan. And I’m a die-hard Yankees fan. So I was a little worried. Sure enough, the Rangers took the series Friday night with a final game score of 6 to 1 and a series win of 4 games to 2. The moment the last out was registered, the boy did a victory dance.
I’m hoping he roots for my Yankees next year. (click to enlarge)
Texas Rangers victory dance
October 22, 2010

photo friday: moonroof


October 15, 2010

a photo for Friday

for my mom, who likes fun old trucks and pumpkins in the fall
October pumpkins