Posts tagged ‘photoblogging’

October 22, 2010

photo friday: moonroof


October 15, 2010

a photo for Friday

for my mom, who likes fun old trucks and pumpkins in the fall
October pumpkins

August 28, 2010

a happy accident

cinema steps
cinema steps descending to the foremost rows, just after being reminded by a young blazered employee that “it is illegal to take photos inside a movie theater”

August 11, 2010

not something you see every day

This summer I’ve been developing a novella for my best good friend Cerella, and part of that story included a place of respite for the main character that was completely in my imagination. Until I drove past that very location just a couple of weeks ago. The image in my mind had come to life:
What I never dreamed, however, is what kind of residents would inhabit that place of my dreams. I expected the horses in the fenced field to the right, but never in a million years did I envision camels. On a horse farm. In North Texas! Just the two of them, sharing a pond with a family of ducks. It’s just not something you see every day.