Posts tagged ‘ridiculata’

July 28, 2009

use your foot

  seen inside a restroom stall at Half Price Books:
seen in Half Price Books restroom stall

April 30, 2009

ever felt this way?

my new mascot

I recently took this photo while sitting at red light behind a gigantic truck. The sign drew me to it because the little image at the top reminded me of Heat Miser. Don’t you think so, too? I keep thinking about this little guy, and I’ve decided he is my new go-to image for feeling out of control. It just fits, doesn’t it? The flaming hair, disembodied face with no features. And the word “oxygen” — something I feel short on whenever life seems to close in on me. The way he looks is how I feel a lot of the time. More often than I wish, in fact. So, this is my new mascot — my personal character reflection for being out of control and overly stressed. At the very least, it will make me laugh at the absurdity of each new situation.

my new mascot

April 26, 2009

well, now… this is interesting…

Fraggle Bird Family
Do you see what was waiting for me on my return home Saturday night? That’s my front door. Hmmm…
Fraggle Family
Thankfully, this Fraggle Bird Family allowed me to enter my flat without incident. Which is more than I can say for the person who parked in the covered space that I pay for. ::grumble grumble::
This bird thing is getting weirder by the day.
Sorry for the horrible photos. I was afraid to use a flash, lest I stir up the swooping Fraggle Poppa. ::shudder::

April 23, 2009

where you’ll find me…

These days, you’ll find me right here:
where I be (April 2009)
In the fifth week (or so) of Project New Website, this is where I am every minute of every waking hour. Usually, as tonight, it’s the wee hours of the morning, not because I enjoy working this way but simply because my body can’t seem to keep a normal sleeping schedule. You’ll notice a couple of unusual things about these particular days. First, that is no desk chair I’m sitting in but rather one from my living room. Even before this project began, my desk chair (which was actually an old wooden armchair) just collapsed on me and lost all its cushion and spring. I tried to continue, but two weeks in I had to switch chairs to avoid irreparable back issues. My only other option was this very old, very low, boxy living room chair. Which brings me to the second thing about this unusual setup: I have to use my keyboard and mouse on top of a lap desk. Because the chair is too low for my desk, I cannot comfortably sit up and work. So here I sit, day after day after night after night, with lap desk across the arms of the cushy chair, lumbar pillow against my back, feet curled under me, and monitor pulled close. It’s a rather ridiculous situation, I must say, but thankfully it’s temporary. With any blessing, this web project should be complete by month’s end. And I can return to occasional face time with my computer instead of living here.